The Easy Way Out

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For better or worse (probably worse), I had never paid attention to Novo Nordisk in my life. Recently, however, this company has soared in value by hundreds of percent, largely because of all the breathless press about Ozempic, which is an injection for Type 2 Diabetes. From what I’ve read, the web’s “influencers” have made it clear to the people of Earth that this is also an effortless way to lose lots of weight.

Lose Weight? Without Trying?!?! You can imagine how gluttonously this news has been received.

And this recent success is just tacking on to what already had been decades of amazing price gains. (The ticker symbol is )

I’m old school, so philosophically I adhere to the idea that there’s no such thing as a free lunch (which is probably not the most appropriate aphorism to use when dealing with piggish humans who are too lazy to take care of themselves). I’m thinking there’s going to be another side to this easy fix which will reveal itself in time.