Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Stock Market Melt Up Continues

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As Anticipated, Gold Lurks, Changes to Come in 2024. The macro market backdrop is not likely to go the way trend following market watchers currently anticipate.

In fact, with patience it could turn out to be like shooting contrary fish in a barrel. The stock market rally – which NFTRH had anticipated a year ago on a larger basis and since October of this year for its next leg on a more compact time frame – is doing a wonderful job of holding to its seasonal pattern (see below). The rally is sucking in the holdout FOMOs who, one by one are falling for the dual pleasantries of a softening Fed and by extension, a Goldilocks-like “soft landing” scenario for the economy.

Goldilocks was eventually caught by the 3 bears

Best Posts of 2023 (Part 2 of 9)

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Here are some of the very best posts written on Slope in the year 2023. To read a preface about what this list means to me, please read part 1, located here.


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The old saw about how one should buy when there is blood running in the streets was quite true with respect to the FTX collapse thirteen months ago. In retrospect, we can see that anything and everything related to crypto was a total bargain, and they’ve all gone up hundreds, if not thousands, of percent since then. It’s like 2021 all over again. I would say, however, that our rainbow friend seems to suggest it’s more likely that BTC ease back over the coming months before making another thrust higher.


Kostin Plus

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I see that Goldman Sachs, always the friend of the working man when it comes to equities, has had their top predictor David Kostin offer up his prediction for the new year. And, drum roll please.……’s going to be an UP year! (Spoiler alert: No investment bank in human history has EVER predicted a down year, not even once).

So there we have it. A 9% increase with the S&P going to 5,100.

Hey, since 2022 was such a wipeout, I’m wondering what he predicted for THAT year?
