Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Errr, No Thanks.

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As we enter yet-another-day-of-lifetime-highs, a brief anecdote……Over the many years I’ve been doing Slope, I’ve received literally thousands of solicitations to submit “guest posts” (thinly disguised advertisements for products and services). I’ve refused them all. In fact, I’ve set my email filters to screen out this junk, since easily 99% of my emails are spam. Sometimes they get through, like this one:

I’ve tinted this email, because, keep in mind, this is a solicitation to post written articles in Slope. My comments on the tinted areas are:


Which Support Will Fail?

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I’d like to visit this Tesla analog again, since it’s particularly relevant due to Wednesday being TSLA earnings day. It sounds bonkers, but I’d like to propose that it is not outside the realm of possibility that TSLA will drop another 10% in the next few days, even though it has already lost 22% of its value just in the past few weeks. Below is the analog I am tracking, which I find intriguing, to say the least.



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As some of you may recall, I lost both my parents in recent months. My mom died last September, and my father in December. They were 93 and 92 years old, respectively, and both died very peacefully in their own home after living many, many years, which is really all of us could hope for.

My siblings and I cleared out all their belongings, from everything as big to a bed to a small as a scrap of paper (of which there were thousands). One item in particular is something I wanted to share:
