A Couple of Dollars

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It has been heartening this week to see the two “dollar” style stores that I’ve been suggesting as short-sale ideas finally met their comeuppance (or at least the start of it). These patterns were beauties: Dollar General and Dollar Tree.

It was wondering what else might be out there, and I recalled SlopeCharts has this cool feature called Jump to Sector, which shows similar stocks. Thus, I hopped over, looked at a dozen other possibilities, and came up with this one, which is obviously way better known. It’s not an amazing play, but it isn’t at all bad.

I was thinking of closing up this post with one of the oh-my-God-that-is-so-gross photographs that Target has in its stores, but I’ll be a sport and refrain. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please feel free to click here.