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As I’ve mentioned obliquely, what’s going on in Ukraine touches close to home for us. We have dear friends from there, and they have many relatives in great peril. Much of the fencing world is associated with Russia and Ukraine, and our beloved Alex, who was so instrumental in the success of Prophet, was from there. Here is a map of where the terrified citizens are fleeing. We are hoping to house a few of them here at our home in Palo Alto.

As an aside, I want to say that I am feeling some degree of SHAME for having shown doubt or weakness to my beloved Gold and Platinum followers in this morning’s post. I felt that it was incumbent upon me to share my views on the risks before us, although, as I clearly pointed out, in the CONTEXT OF THE LARGER TIMESCALE, I thought we would all be OK. And we were. I was nervous, yes, but I closed absolutely zero positions. None. On the contrary, I added, once the failure was clear.


But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.