Slope Polls Are LIVE!

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This is a feature I wish I had thought of years ago, since it is incredibly obvious, but – – oh, well. In any case, I’m pleased to tell you we have introduced polls into Slope, and anyone can use them.

They are built right into the comments system. To create one, click on the Poll radio button, and you will be given fields to enter your question and at least two answers. You can add more answers if you like, and the topic can be on anything – – what the market is going to do, what sports team you think is going to win a championship, and so forth. As always, just keep it civil and decent.

I must shake my head at myself at taking this long to come up with this feature, because in one way or another, people have been hinting at it for a very long time. But it’s as simple as can be, and I suspect later we might do more with it, like have a page of the top-voted polls (although the questions asked may be of such an ephemeral nature that it’s sort of pointless to look back).

Once your poll is posted, everyone (including you!) is allowed to vote on it one time. The percentage will be displayed for all to see. And that’s all there is to it!