Swing-Trading Watch-List: DOW FFIV GT MGM CAB

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I always like to emphasize the short setups for Fridays, as I tend to focus more on the long setups throughout the week (unless we are in a bearish market of course).

The price action seems eerily similar to what we saw on 8/1 and 8/2 and if that is the case, and the price action continues a long that path, we could see a new dose of selling, which would make the shorts below ideal for starting positions in.

Here’s the All-Short Friday Watch-List

Short: Dow Chemical (DOW)


Short F5 Networks (FFIV)


Short Goodyear Tire and Rubber (GT)


Short MGM Resorts International (MGM):


Short Cabela’s (CAB):


Be sure to check out more of Ryan’s Swing-Trades at SharePlanner.com