Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

It Bears Repeating

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1104-bearsThis is going to be a very lazy post (I sometimes consider myself insane for working on this blog 365 days a year for the puny advertising revenue it generates, which is why I save all my best ideas for paying Slope+ members; suffice it to say most of you folks don’t exactly heed my pleas for clicking on ads or at least turning off AdBlock, so I’ve kind of given up………). But, what can I say – I’ve had blogger’s guilty for nine years now, and there’s no reason it’s going to stop now.

Last week was the most fun I’ve had trading in months, and I’m sensing an important change in the balance of power. I already have a breathtaking number of short positions, and I’ve got 28 more I’m interested in adding.

I have thoughtfully provided the symbols here on the left. I’ll leave it to you to chart any of them which interest you. Some you’ve seen, some you haven’t. But they all share one common property – – they are fish in the barrel whose water I intend to shoot.

Long live Jambi.

A SOH Brother and His Inspiring Enterprise……………Respect!

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Note From Tim Knight: The post below is an unusual one for Slope, as you will soon see. I would not normally publish a post such as this, but I am doing so principally out of gratitude to BDI who has provided dozens of outstanding submissions in the past (to say nothing of his constant presence in the comment stream). However, because the post does allude to a business opportunity, I want it made absolutely crystal clear that the presence of this post is in no way an endorsement. I have absolutely nothing to do with the business at all, nor do I vouch for it or potentially benefit from it in any way. I am simply letting BDI had some Sunday air time to talk about something he’s doing and what I think are the fairly interesting facts behind it. Caveat Sloper!
