Ice, Ice, Baby

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Well, the CPI numbers just came out, and they are ice cold because, ya know, prices aren’t going up.

A careful and prudent examination of the /ES suggests the bulls are welcoming this news.

I would like to quietly point out, once again, the important trendline on the longer-term /ES.

I would hasten to add that the /RTY, which is up particularly powerfully right now, has achieved its eighth “lower high” with this event.

The ONLY chart that is falling is, of course, the VIX, as we reach a pitiful 13-handle. Let’s just say I’m glad I’ve got 30% cash and my options are long term. This is sucktastic!

And, with that, I shall log in to Palo Alto’s medical facility to get some prescription drugs, which features the world’s least-surprising homepage. Kindly note the wedding ring. And there ya go.