Sea Change

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(Important Note: The comment system Disqus has a pretty serious problem in which just about all the avatars have disappeared and are showing as broken images. This is endlessly annoying to me, and I've been in touch with Disqus about this problem. They say it's more complex than it looks, but they are working on it. So, I'm sorry about this. Lacking the avatars really takes away from things more than you would expect.)

Well, I guess big, bad GOOG was nothing to fear. Their earnings thrilled people after the close yesterday, and their stock is, a few minutes before the opening bell, up nearly 18 dollars! So what has this done for the market in general?

  • /ES – down
  • /NQ – down (!!!)
  • EUR/USD – down
  • Precious metals – down

So this morning, at least, I'm going to be off to a very good start, since I already took on big TWM and QID positions.

I am loaded to the teeth with precious metals shorts, and my entire 401-K – – the entire thing – – is filled with DZZ (because, as I've oft said, it's the only freakin' ETF the geniuses at Principal forget to nuke when they took away ETFs from everyone).

As I mentioned yesterday, this is the day the gloves come off, so don't expect a dozen posts like I did yesterday. I'm going to be very busy lining up my positions, which takes a lot of time. In the meawhile, here's an interesting video posted a month ago that lines up precisely with my "1080 to 1100" figures that I cited in one of yesterday's posts.