Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

S and P Prediction: Dancing With Mrs. Consolidation Before The Plunge

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First:  Hope everyone had a happy Father’s Day!
For the full post, please go to  I am also running a huge promotion there for my premium site (only $5/month for 2 months!).
As I have mentioned a few times before, the nature of the market seems to have changed from bouncing off of the 50-dma on the daily chart to whip-sawing back and forth with no sustained breakout from the bounce.  I have illustrated this in the chart below and discuss its implications following the chart. (more…)

GLD: Thou Shalt Not Bounce (Yet)

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Complete post is available at

GLD.  That gold and the dollar are inversely correlated has been known and is supported by economic theory (bleh…ghey?).  Below is a bar chart of GLD, with the $USD in black.  I drew a purple line at the bottom end of the volume pole, falling through which could be achieved readily.  The blue line is an interesting trend on the dollar that I chanced upon. (more…)