Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Traditional Options Trade for a Highly Volatile Market

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Before I get started I want to encourage all of you interested in trading options to sign-up for my free weekly newsletter. This is completely free from all marketing. You will find educational topics, research, trade ideas, weekly indicators and more each week. I’ve been on Slope for a long, long time and would love your all of your support. Thanks!

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Volatility, as seen through the VIX, is back above 30. And when the VIX kicks above 30, option premium is inflated by historical standards, so it’s typically a great time to sell a little premium.


The Problem with Home Runs

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Before I get started I want to encourage all of you interested in trading options to sign-up for my free weekly newsletter.  Free Weekly Newsletter on All Things Options

You will find educational topics on all things options, options research, options trade ideas, weekly indicators and more each week. I’ve been on Slope for a long, long time and would love your all of your support. Thanks so much. Kindest, Andy.

I don’t really care for market opinions.

Oftentimes, they aren’t objective, just simply self-serving.

I’ve traded professionally for over 20 years and it amazes me the lack of forethought that goes into actual investment strategy. I mean, come on: Don’t boast about returns over the past three years when we’ve seen the market skyrocket to epic heights. It’s downright lazy!


Glaring Statistics on New Vol Bull Market

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Before I get started I want to encourage all of you interested in trading options to sign-up for my free weekly newsletter.  Free Weekly Newsletter on All Things Options

You will find educational topics on all things options, options research, options trade ideas, weekly indicators and more each week. I’ve been on Slope for a long, long time and would love your all of your support. Thanks so much. Kindest, Andy.


Another Premium Selling Opportunity

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Before I get started I want to encourage all of you interested in trading options to sign-up for my free weekly newsletter. Free Weekly Newsletter on All Things Options.

You will find educational topics on all things options, options research, options trade ideas, weekly indicators and more each week. I’ve been on Slope for a long, long time and would love your all of your support. Thanks so much. Kindest, Andy.

On February 23rd, I posted a bear call spread on the S&P 500 (SPY). At the time SPY was trading for 429.57. Now SPY is trading under 422, and our bear call spread is worth far-less than half of our original premium. As a result, our profit target was met.


Potential Opportunity in Real Estate?

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Before I get started I want to encourage all of you interested in trading options to sign-up for my free weekly newsletter. No, I’m not going to send you more than the one email a week and no, I’m not running a service. I’m a trader. This is completely free from all marketing. You will find educational topics on all things options, options research, options trade ideas, weekly indicators and more each week. I’ve been on Slope for a long, long time and would love your all of your support. Thanks so much. Kindest, Andy.
