Crazed Kamikaze Counterfeiters…….Evil Plan 105.0 (by BDI)

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Well, my fellow Slope-a-Dopes, your selfless Idiotic Savant servant, whom is securely chained to his desk, has spent a significant part of the long weekend, perusing nearly every finance blog on the world wide web for you.  Therefore, I can reliably report to the SOH, that the overwhelming consensus out there in the financial blogosphere, which has now reached a nearly universal feverish pitch, is boldly & proudly heralding that a most encouraging new economic dawn is finally upon us.  It seems, a pristine permanent plateau of prosperity has been patently perfected.


2013 Dogs of the Dow

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are two types of prediction experts, says Warren Buffett.

are those who don’t know and those who don’t know they don’t know. 

somewhere in the middle.

I may have called the bottom and top of housing, the top
of subprime and Alt-A, the death of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, the
collapse of the UK economy and the Dow’s collapse to 6,500, including its
recovery. I may have also called for gold to rally well above $1,000 when it
traded under $850.


Santa Bear Comes to Town (by Phantomcapital)

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The Santa Claus Rally, yet another delightful story told to
the public by retail brokers, CNBC, and the rest of the warm and fuzzy spin
doctors of Wall Street.  But what happens
when the market wakes up and realizes that Santa, like the Easter Bunny and the
Tooth Fairy just isn’t real, but instead is something made up to make the kids
feel cozy and force the adults spend even more money? 
No this isn’t a bitter rant but instead a very real point that needs to
be made about the direction of the market over the next few months. 

First, here is the bear case for why the market can and will
go down.  First, tomorrow’s FOMC announcement.  I’m not exactly sure what Helicopter Ben can
say to further juice this rally. 
Anything short of the Fed announcing a bajillion dollars for every good
little boy and girl will either be a non-event or a disappointment.  Next, the Grinch masquerading around as the
Fiscal Cliff. 

The rally over the last
month has been in anticipation in the Fiscal Cliff being resolved.  So its resolution has already been baked into
the market.  Or, our glorious leaders
will do what they always do and fail in epic fashion to solve the problem.  Either letting the Fiscal Cliff pass with no
resolution or Obama ramming higher taxes through will be incredibly
bearish.  So again, the bears are in a “heads
I win, tails you lose” situation.  And
then lastly, there is my post, Bear Market Holiday Sale posted on November 19th.  That is what I’d like to discuss further. 


What Do You Mean There Are Consequences? (by Mark St.Cyr)

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With only days passing since the presidential election. It would seem
the rainbows, and unicorns that most John or Jill Public believed were
to arrive are now morphing into shapes more in line with gargoyles under
darkening skies.

Clarity has arrived, and what has become apparent is this: It’s not
what Wall Street, businesses, and many others wanted, or expected. Never
the less consequences either good or ill are going to be felt with such
immediacy John and Jill will have no time in truly understanding why.
After all, they’ve been told by the so-called “Smart crowd” in the
financial media, cables shows, network news, print, and more that the
government, or Federal Reserve can fix everything. All I’ll say is this:
“Sure they can. Want to buy a bridge?”


There She Blows!!!……………….Evil Plan 83.0 (by BDI)

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Well, my fellow Slope-a Dopes, your favorite intrepid seafaring Frenchman got blown out of the water by Benjamin Moby-Dick Bernanke once again.  I have to hand it to captain grey beard, for a guy with a curiously quivering lower lip, who seems so utterly unsure of himself every time he opens his moronic mouth, he sure does have some pair of ballistic brass balls.  Not only did he delivered on his QE3 promise, but he actually turbo charged it into a terrifying trifecta!  Boatswain BDI was left for dead, desperately drowning in a sea of red DOOMs.  So now that Moby Dick has breached and surged the equity waves to new highs, where do we sail from here?  
