Mixed Pheelings

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Ahoy there from seven miles above California. I am winging my way back to my cherished Palo Alto, having enjoyed another weekend of fencing tournaments in which my beloved children did very well, thank you very much.

As you know, I am terrifically excited about the first debate on Monday night. My dear son and I have been practically counting the hours. Some people puzzle over why I would “waste my time” on such a thing. I assure you, I have the exact same feelings about every spectator sport known to man.

The countless millions of hours and billions of dollars that get sunk into baseball, football, soccer, basketball, and all the rest of it has never made sense to me. As for fencing, which is also a sport, I would say two things: (a) my family members are active participants (b) God knows it isn’t a spectator sport. I still don’t know what’s going on.


Cracking Crude

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Good morning (well, technically) everyone. This is mostly a comment cleaner, as you chatty Slopers have racked up about 400 comments from my last post yesterday. My dogs are staring at me, though, eager for their way-too-early-every-morning stroll through the pitch black streets of Palo Alto. Thus, I will share this one chart of crude oil, which has the new front month of November. My view is that breaking 43.59 is the next important event, since that’ll slice us through a trendline that’s been in place the entire year.


As I was typing this, a slew of economic data came in, and early reaction seems to be not-so-thrilled. I certainly hope it sticks, since it’ll mean my prediction of a “second trap” (mentioned in the prior post) will have proved itself prescient.

The Blink of an Eye

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A few weeks ago, my former boss from Investools (their CEO at the time) introduced me via email to a former colleague of his from Salomon Brothers named Nick. Nick was going to be in the San Francisco Bay Area, and he thought the two of us would hit it off, particularly since Nick was kind of a data god (with particular strength in natural language processing, a fairly hot field right now).

I told Nick to meet me at Coupa Cafe here in Palo Alto at 1:30. I don’t meet people in person that often, but I was looking forward to this, because Nick was very plugged-in to a number of companies at a senior level. In addition, I had never been disappointed meeting someone my former boss had suggested.
