Charts That Don’t Move

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0521-trainGreetings from the CalTrain station in bucolic Palo Alto, California. I thought I’d have a change of venue to type up my end-of-day post, and although a video would have been a lot easier, I’m going to not to be lazy this time.

There’s not a whole hell of a lot to say about a market that goes up every single day. There are only so many instances of, “wow, this market is sure going up a lot lately” that one can utter. One item I’m rather impatiently watching is the EUR/USD, which is configured for a nice tumble, but so far refuses to do so. (more…)

SlopeFest is This Week!

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One of the amazing things about the Slope of Hope community is that, a number of years ago, it actually created its own “meet-up” in the form of SlopeFest. Slopers were so eager to meet one another that they drove or flew from various parts of the country and gathered at various locales around the United States. I’ve been at a few of these, and it’s pretty amazing getting face-time with those that are on Slope so often. I know them by avatar, but in-person is a whole other experience! (more…)

My Supercharged Trip to LA

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The vacillations in the stock market have made me not want to write anything about charts, so let me share with you a positive anecdote about Tesla (which is reporting earnings this afternoon, I believe).

One of the big appeals of the Tesla is its relatively long driving range. Whereas a Nissan Leaf, the other all-electric vehicle we own, will realistically get you about 70 miles on a full charge, the Tesla will give you about 270. This means that driving from San Francisco to Lake Tahoe or Los Angeles becomes practical in an all-electric vehicle. (more…)

I Can’t Afford to Live Here

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The last time I remember the real estate market in my area being so frenetic wasn’t in 2007, at the peak of the housing bubble, but more like 1999, as the Internet bubble was still swelling. There was a lack of housing supply, and realtors would be pestering homeowners constantly about whether or not they wanted to sell their house. Some shrewd ones took the offer and got out (one friend of mine accepted the obscene amount paid for his house and went to Southern California to start a winery). (more…)