Bull Market in Bad Cuisine

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Recently, I was driving my family, and we happened to pass a Chili’s restaurant. My young son remarked, “That’s the restaurant for people too lazy to microwave their own food.” As you can see, there is no paternity test required. (In case you didn’t know, most of these restaurants do, in fact, simply microwave food that’s flown in from a central processing facility).

The sector is, I think, called “casual dining”, although I prefer to think of it as “places I would never eat.” For whatever reason – – draw whatever conclusions about our once great republic that you might – – people can’t get enough of this high-carb, high-fat, high-sodium crapola. Shareholders are having a bonanza. Here’s Cheesecake Factory:


Denny’s (yes, honestly, Denny’s):


Cracker Barrel:


And, the pinnacle of superb cuisine, Jack in the Box (featuring Jack Sauce):
