Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

A Thought For Today’s Entrepreneur

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The more thing change, the more things stay the same is the line we’ve all heard thousands of times. The problem is that sometimes we really need to remember the reasons why we’ve heard it so much.

More often than not it’s because – it’s true. And it happens far more often but exactly; how it happens, is where many fail to see the bigger picture behind the snapshot of the time.

Today I would like to draw your attention to someone as well as something that has implications far more broad and far more sweeping than what anyone now even considers, let alone “thinks.”

Today it was announced via many media channels that Taylor Swift pulled her entire catalog off of the streaming music titan Spotify™. Whether you like her, don’t know her music, (she’s today 25-year-old pop sensation) or anything else about her, what you can not do – is not pay attention to this action by her in the bigger picture if: you consider yourself a serious entrepreneur. (more…)

Dow Tag

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I’m helping a portion of the Knight family get ready for a trip, so this will be quick ‘n’ simple – – I find the position of the Dow 30 chart relative to its trendlines to be quite interesting. It’s not only tagging the top of a well-defined wedge, but it’s also just beneath the trendline extending to the March 2009 bottom (remember that? March 2009? About 75 years ago or so?) Let’s see what the ECB does in the morning to either break yet another trendline or get this market weak again.


A Case for Gold and Gold Mining Stocks

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First, a thanks to Tim for letting me do my first guest post.…….

A Case for Gold and Gold Mining Stocks, by John Chinnock

Now that the entire world hates gold and gold mining stocks, I wanted to make a case for why they just might be an amazing long-term buy at these levels. I should preface this by saying first that I am not a typical gold bug. I do not believe that the U.S. dollar is going to zero, or that hyperinflation is coming. Actually, if I had to own any currency, I would favor the U.S. dollar over most others. However, I still am a gold bull. Let me list some points on why. My arguments here will be technical and based on historical data rather than fundamentals. There are valid fundamentals for the bullish case in gold, but that is beyond the scope of what I will discuss here. (more…)

Einhorn Gives Up on GMCR

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Famous fund manager David Einhorn has thrown in the towel on his GMCR short. He wrote, “We closed out a number of positions including the remainder of our short position in Keurig Green Mountain (GMCR). While it should be tempting to write an entire book on our experience with this ultimately unsuccessful short (our average sale was at $47.59 and our average cover was at $67.02; we had many opportunities to trade this position to a successful result, but failed to do so).” I’ve marked in red the point where he made his widely-touted presentation on the short, and I’ve marked in green the point where he surrendered. As you can see, there were indeed missed “opportunities” to get out at a great profit.
