The Bulls are 100% in Control

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Well, I think it's pretty evident that bears don't have a chance in this market. Just as the bears completely controlled things back in the marvelous autumn of 2008, the bulls are totally in control now.

Even when the US Government – the most Pollyanna entity of all – states that their view of the economy is grimmer than expected, the dip in the market lasted only a few moments. I am glad that I've sworn off FAZ and SRS. The spike in FAZ last ten – count 'em! – ten minutes. So a whole other slew of traders lost cash on that in a big hurry.

I usually have a variety of "core" positions (six figures), but I have none of those now, since I've really cut my risk down. With the exception of Monday, this week has pretty much stunk up the place. My goal right now is to keep risk low and preserve capital, since this is a market that cannot be trusted for the forseeable future.