Time to Cram for the Exam

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I have passed the first two examinations for Chartered Market Technician, and tomorrow is my third and final examination. It is, I'm told, the hardest, and a lot of very smart co-workers have flunked it, so I'm pretty nervous.

I will say one thing about this week's action, and it is expressed in the candlestick chart shown below. If you've ever wondered what an ideal hanging man pattern looks like, you have your example right here in real time.

I'm going to "go dark" until Saturday evening, which means hundreds of comments will accumulate in this content-free post. Sorry about that, but I've really got to hit the books (a photo of my required reading is shown below). This will also give me some time to shake off the insanity of this week and process what's been going on in the market. Thanks.