Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Buying the Enemy? (By Trade Flight Plan)

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GS tanked last Friday when news broke of the SEC fraud complaint.  GS fell 20 points from highs near 185 and then recovered slightly, losing something like $10 billion in market value on a single day.  We have no idea who or what to believe, but several articles over the weekend are suggesting at least $1 billion in penalties, legal settlements, the kitchen sink, and whatever else analysts, journalists, and traders can muster.

Retail traders enjoy a good GS joke now and then, but hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Interestingly enough, GS announced net quarterly earnings of $3.46 billion today yesterday.  A quick check of front month May options reveals nice high implied volatility (IV), even after earnings, given the uncertainty surrounding the SEC case.  In fact, May options currently have higher IV than June.

What if GS just traded right here in this range?  Earnings are over, the market is still digesting news of the SEC's case, and no one knows what will happen next.  The market hates uncertainty and GS can certainly still tank from here.

But, what if GS stays right here in its range?  Selling front month May volatility while buying June affords an interesting double calendar with a roughly 1:1 risk reward ratio.  In this case, a May/June 155 put calendar combined with a 170 call calendar paints an interesting profile.


Now, we do not officially recommend this trade or any other trade.  To be clear, this double calendar example is only provided for educational and entertainment purposes.  It is an exercise in observing option volatility.  And, GS can certainly experience a gap up or gap down situation in the coming days which could render a spread like this unprofitable before a trader could take action.  A spread like this should also never see the light of the next options expiration week in May.

But, it will be fun to watch what this does in the next 1-2 weeks if GS stays in a range and May implied volatility contracts more quickly than June IV.

I Believe GLD’s Ostensible Breakout Will Fail + Healthcare ETF XLV Continues Weakness

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I Believe GLD's Ostensible Breakout Will Fail

Capture d’écran 2010-04-21 à 16.27.23


Healthcare ETF XLV Continues Weakness

Capture d’écran 2010-04-21 à 16.21.26

SPX at an important cusp and shorting AUDUSD (by Springheel Jack)

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After another very bullish day on SPX we are now at a very important
cusp, having come very close to a new high overnight.

I've been having another look at SPX since the Feb 5th low this morning
and we have three multi-week rising channels on it that are all
important at the moment:

100421 SPX 60min Wave 5 Channels

The first channel with black trendlines is the main wave 5 rising
channel. In the last move down the lower trendline was broken, and SPX
has retested and broken back above that trendline. This channel is
particularly significant because the top trendline may be the target for
a large potential IHS building on ES at the moment.

The second channel with red trendlines is a very significant mainly
interior channel with multiple touches that is almost as longstanding as
the main channel. It has had one break through the top halfway through
this wave up and is of particular significance at the moment because it
defined both the recent SPX high and also the recent low.

The third channel with blue trendlines has defined most of the SPX
action in the last few weeks. I posted it yesterday and said it was
likely to prove good resistance and that was right, with no move above
it until after the close yesterday and, at the time of writing, ES has
now moved back within this channel.

The upper trendlines of these channels are the key resistance levels in
the event that we make a new high today, and the key support levels in
the event that we don't.

In the event that we don't make a new high today, I would expect a
pullback to the lower blue trendline in the 1190 SPX area.

There is good reason to think that we may go up however, and if so, we
have a very interesting potential IHS on ES:


I posted this IHS at an earlier stage yesterday morning as a very
speculative potential pattern, but the right shoulder is largely made
now so it is a very real possibility for today. The neckline is sloping
upwards slightly now, but that doesn't weaken the pattern and it is a
very nice symmetrical pattern as it stands. If it were to play out then I
would expect the right shoulder to trough near the 1202 ES level,
probably no lower than 1198 ES.

If the right shoulder is made and the neckline broken today, then the
target is in the 1238 ES area. Depending on the time it takes to play
out, that could fit exactly with a hit of the black channel upper
trendline on the first chart.

That might not be bad news for bears if we are making a significant top
at the moment. It might give us a terminating head and shoulder pattern
that could look like this:


This is obviously a very speculative potential pattern, but in the event
that the IHS plays out, then it would be a possibility well worth
bearing in mind as major waves up or down often end with these patterns,
as they did in both March 2009 and Feb 2010.

On an unrelated subject I've been watching AUDUSD and it is looking like
a very interesting short here on the weekly chart:

100421 AUDUSD Weekly Patterns

Patterns have been good performers in the past on AUDUSD, as you can see
from the chart, and it broke out of a rising wedge a few months ago,
with a target of 62.5.

Since that breakout, it has formed a right-angled and descending
broadening formation, and it is currently very close to the top of that
pattern at about 93. If it continues within the pattern, then the next
target would be the lower trendline of the pattern, currently at 82.5,
but very probably at 82 or 81.5 by the time it was reached. That would
be a drop of more than 1000 pips.

I think there's some more upside coming on AUDUSD in the very short term
and there is a good chance that it may retest resistance at 94. If so,
there would be a perfect entry for a short there with a stop at 95 and a
reasonable expectation of reaching 82, so there would be credible
risk/reward ratio on this trade of 1 to 12.

In the event that AUDUSD reached 95 and the stop was triggered, then the
pattern would be broken and resolving upwards. There would then be a
good trade going long at 95 with a stop at 94 and a target of 98. The
target would technically be 106.5, but these patterns aren't
particularly good performers and often fall short, so I wouldn't be
greedy. Like quite a few patterns, these are easier to trade while they
are developing than after they break.

Bulkowski has an excellent writeup for these patterns on his website, which is a very
useful reference site for chart patterns and candlesticks.

I don't think that this will break up though, for a number of technical
reasons as follows:

  • AUDUSD has failed to make a new high since the rising wedge
    broke and the action since has the look of a triple top.
  • The broken rising wedge suggests that the next significant move is
    likely to be downwards. 
  • There is strong negative divergence on both RSI and MACD.
  • The stochastics also look toppy here.

Altogether it is much easier to make a technical case for AUDUSD falling
from here.

Good luck trading today everyone!