Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

A modest proposal for the week (by Springheel Jack)

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I’ve been looking at a lot of charts this weekend to consider how
significant this top may be and there are a number of reasons to think
that it may be very significant.

On the SPX main rising channel since March 2009 the advance has failed
at an important interior trendline almost halfway up the rising channel:

100418 SPX Daily Rally Channel

As for this wave 5 of 5 up on SPX, on the most obvious count it looks
complete, and we both broke the wave 5 of 5 channel on Friday and closed below it:

100418 SPX 60min Wave 5 Channel Break

There are two main alternative counts that I am considering seriously.
The first is that we have just completed wave 3 of 5 of 5, and saw 4 of 5
of 5 on Friday. PUGugridiron has been looking at this count and should
we make a new high from here without any further downside, then it would
be the most likely count, with the 5 of 5 top somewhere between 1229
and 1250.

The other alternative count that I am considering is that we have just
finished 1 of 5, and that we are in a wave 2 that we could expect to
bottom within the main SPX rising channel above 1130. This is worth
considering as wave 1 between March and June 2009 rose 290 points, and
wave 3 between July 2009 and January 2010 rose 285 points, and while
wave 5 would have to be the shortest wave, it could rise as high as 1328
if wave 5 was to be approximately the same as wave 1, as is often the
case. I’m treating this as an unlikely alternate count, but it is worth
bearing in mind.

But I think my primary count is the right one, both because of the wave
and channel structures, and where we topped, and because of the next
indicator, which is one of my favorites.

That indicator is $SPX:$VIX, and on this we do seem to have made a very
significant top. There is a large broadening acending wedge, and smaller
patterns within it. The last touch of the upper trendline marked the
wave 3 top in January, and an interior wedge called the most important
interim top before that. You’ll also note that the three touches of the
lower wedge trendline were at the July, October and February bottoms. We
just saw a touch of the top wedge trendline and the recent interior
wedge has broken, and that is a strong signal that we have just made a
significant top, and on past experience we shouldn’t expect to see a
bottom to the current move before we reach the lower trendline.

The negative divergence on the stochs, RSI and MACD is also worth noting:

100418 $SPX$VIX Daily Wedge

Another indicator that caught my eye this weekend is the $NYA50R daily
chart. Since the peak in May 2009, it has been trending down gently, and
the last touch of that declining trendline was at the September high.
There has been a gently rising trendline since the October peak, and the
last touch of that was at the January high. It may not be significant
that we have just touched both of those converged trendlines, but I
suspect it is. Note also the recent negative divergence on RSI and MACD:

100418 $NYA50R Daily Trendlines

So what can we expect of the coming week? I have a possible scenario
that would be elegant, though it might not play out this way. I’ve
charted it up on ES:

100418 ES 60min HS Scenario and Count

I noticed the potential H&S on Friday, and I think it may well
play out for two main reasons which are that:

  • We only saw three waves down from the top on Thursday, and there
    should be five unless we are in the 4 of 5 of 5 count. We can therefore
    expect a fourth and fifth wave which could finish and play out this
  • Mondays in recent months have all been bullish or flat. While this
    one could be different, I would be reluctant to put much money on it.
    Chances are that this Monday will be the same.

(Leisa here:  I have a sector report that you can download here.)

You ‘Beta’ be Going Down Son – by Bkudla

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One ofBkudla my favorite short plays is my “Icarus” strategy.  I look for stocks that filter at the top in
Beta, percent to 200 day MA, and one month price gains.  I then watchlist the top 15 names for the
week (I can’t manage more than that, and I might only pick 3 or four
trades).  I wait for the momentum to wane
before I enter the trade.  I also
determine if I am going to straight short them, Execute a put, or a credit call
spread.  My stop is its recent high.


Here are my top 15 to watch for consideration1:


RDN               Radian                                     17.89

ETM                Entercom                                 14.91  

LCUT              Lifetime
Brands                      13.98  

OLP                One Liberty Properties            17.87

BONT             Bon
Ton Stores                       16.71

CKEC             Carmike
Cinema’s                   17.36

MTG               Mgic
Investments                   12.60

FNSR              Finisar
Corp                            16.76

PEI                  Pennsylvania
REIT                 14.25

CROX             CROC’s                                  10.54

LPX                Louisiana Pacific                     11.07

DIN                 DinEquity                               43.69

GBX               Greenbrier
Companies            16.59

TRW               TRW                                       33.36

ATPG              ATPG
Oil and Gas                 22.73

1(Editor's note:  I created a FINVIZ screen for you here.)


GBX is my favorite, I am also already short LULU (made my
filter but did not include on the list) and added to it on Thursday.


These are not necessarily market calls, but simply physics.
Please define your profit exit (learned the hard way for me) as these are high
beta stocks.


Feedback is always appreciated, and I will post any of these
I enter next week. Enjoy.

Mariner Energy Victory + EuroTim – Being Renovated

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During my full-bore absence last week, I wasn't able to crow a bit about Mariner Energy (symbol ME), one of my long suggestions. It had a 41% pop in one day, which for me was a real breath of fresh air. It was a takeover, so this was obviously a fair bit of dumb luck, but the purchase was based simply on technical reasons – – – the very clean breakout above $16.50 in the days prior. This one worked out nicely, and it helped infuse some more it's-good-to-buy-stocks-too-cells into my body.

Capture d’écran 2010-04-18 à 09.35.58 

EuroTim – Being Renovated 


Fractals and Our Fates II (George Rahal)

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Editor's (Leisa) note:  This submission was originally posted here, and it was forwarded to Tim.  Hope you find it interesting.  There will be no sector report from me this week due to a computer change over.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

and Our Fates II

There are three charts in this post. The 1987 crash on weekly-bars, the
February 2007 drop on 2-day bars, and the most recent weeks in 30-minute
bars, respectively. The patterns exhibit nearly identical properties. I
have only notated the properties in the first chart but have included
the drawings in all three. You will first notice a 3-wave move, followed
by a consolidation phase of X length(time), boxed in teal. Then,
another three wave move of equal length followed by an extremely sharp
drop in prices. Support is found around the midpoint of wave 3 of the
move prior to the consolidation.

last two charts are of SPXEW instead of SPX because they exhibit the
properties clearer. The equivalent support level on SPX is 1160. If the
scrip follows, there will be a double bottom around this area, followed
by a quick recovery to new highs.

Consolidation Time! (by Fujisan)

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It looks like the market finally started a correction on Friday, which was a major relief for both bulls and bears.  I'm happy that I can go short now and I have some bearish charts to share this week.

OPX Roadmap

Here is the road map that I laid out last Monday in the comment section, which worked out quite nicely.  I used the January OPX chart as my road map for Apr OPX week.

Now, some of you asked me — what will happen next week?  Does this pattern hold?

My take on this is yes, it will.  It should bounce back up early next week, and then resume to the downside later on the week.

(My TOS chart is not working at the moment (is TOS down again?) and I won't be able to show you my ES hourly chart, but I see a H&S pattern formation).

I also mentioned that I'm expecting 4~8% correction for the coming 2 weeks, and then resume to the upside in early May.  My market view will not be changed unless the selloff accelerates with much higher volume. 

Trading GS

GS made a big drop on Friday, and I'm expecting this selloff continues. 

TM Daily Chart (for Comp Purpose)

This is what happened to Toyota back in January when they revealed the mechanical problems with Prius. 

GS Daily

Here is the GS daily chart.  $124 is my short term target.


Here is the GS weekly chart.

JPM Daily

FAS Daily

Financials were being hit pretty hard on Friday due to the GS scandal.  $84.64 is my short term target.  I would have a better target price once the retracement is complete.


IYR Daily

Assuming IYR is going to form a H&S pattern, my short term target is $47.61 (will adjust my target after the formation of RS).


DRN Daily (3x bull IYR)

Assuming DRN is forming H&S pattern, my short term target is $157 (will adjust my target after the formation of RS).



This currency pair is going through sideway consolidation and I have no sense ot direction until it breaks out of this rectangular pattern.  It closed the Sunday gap on Friday.


SPX Daily

I drew a trendline in all three major indices and they all hold the the trendlines and the other three still hold the major support levels.  COMP and RUT still look very strong.
