Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Scarlet Absence Of A Letter Of Credit

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If there’s one thing we all know about banks and bankers: they love to tell tales in public of how much they value their customers. However, what you’ll never hear them profess in private: is how much they trust them. Although one may think that’s unseemly, believe it or not there is another entity banks hold at an even lower tier. Other banks.

One of the known facts people remember about the melt down in 2008 (as opposed to general public) was when the banks no longer trusted each other, and what they earlier claimed was “collateral” wasn’t actually worth what it was stated to be. (more…)

Slopefest VI!!! By Market Sniper

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Time does fly when we are having fun! It is that time of year again for Slopers to head out to Sin City, USA, aka, Las Vegas for fun, good company, trader talk, and other festivities! Slopefest VI is scheduled for the weekend of June 14th. Take the time to relax and match faces with avatars, meet new friends and renew old friendships as well! During past Slopefests, great times were had by all and this time it will be NO different in that respect. Here is the scheduled itinerary: (more…)

The Cost of Fear

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Greetings from the Pacific Northwest, where I will be with mia familia until late Monday.

This morning, I wanted to share some thoughts about fear and the damage it can do to one’s profitability. Now fear is quite a distinct thing from frustration (both of which have been served up in ample heaps to bull and bear alike thus far in 2014). A good example of frustration is when a Sloper will write me, expressing disgust at the market and resolving to quit trading either for a while (measured in months) or permanently. I got one such email this week. I’ve marked the point at which the email arrived: (more…)