Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

GOLD – Next Hurdle is 1400

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If GOLD can hold above the 1300-1330 major support level shown on the 5-Year Weekly chart below, the next resistance level is around the 1400 level.

There is a convergence of the 50-week moving average, mid-Bollinger Band, -1 deviation level of the downward-sloping channel, and the 5-Year Volume Profile POC (pink line along the right side of the chart) at this major support level.

GOLD has, generally, been under accumulation since June of 2013, although it has been trading in a large range between 1180 and 1400 since then…one to watch in the coming days/weeks, particularly in light of Thursday’s major geopolitical events in the Ukraine and Israel/Gaza Strip.

Apple: Now They’re Cook’n With Gas

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The latest revelation to hit the business world that I feel will be both under reported as well as under estimated is the legitimate sea change that may be taking place with the announcement that Apple® and IBM® will work together to both create and sell products.  Personally I don’t know of any other such collaboration in recent memory that has the possibility of having a truly transformative effect.

As always I’ll state right up front: I am an Apple fanboy and have been for many years. That said I have also been very critical and not shy as to express my consternation when they have made moves that either impacted my user experience (e.g., deleting key features or a “dumbing” down of some products) as well as mergers or purchases that just don’t seem to make sense. e.g., The Beats™ acquisition. (more…)

What a Day

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Today was interesting, to say the least, and for wholly unexpected reasons. I loudly touted RSX (the Russian stock ETF) earlier this week on TastyTrade as the most compelling country ETF to short; little did I know it would crater today. More broadly interesting, of course, is what happened with the ES.

When I woke up this morning, I was pleased to see the ES down about 7 points. At the magenta tint, I figured the day would be all about “managing winners”. The market opened, and my portfolio sported a handsome profit. (more…)

Stumpf it

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Those promoting the bad GDP data should listen to Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf who, like this cranky little spot in the financial media here at biiwii, thinks the US economy is “stronger than people think”.

Wells Fargo CEO: The US economy will surprise you

All you have to do is open your eyes and look at corporate profits and manufacturing, to name but two major pillars. Jobs is another, even considering the constant debates about the quality of said jobs. (more…)