Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Market and Terrorists

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I like to use the site, and someone on there just asked me a question about how terrorists affect the stock market. Since I took the time to answer it, I might as well recycle my contribution here:

The general answer is a very unsatisfying one: “It depends.”

What I mean by this is that the market’s reaction will be very contingent upon how the market is feeling about itself in the first place. If the market is weak, and people are scared, then a terrorist attack – – or even the threat or rumor of one – – will send the market reeling (although, usually, briefly).


At the Gateway to a New Phase

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[edit] I got the shivers when I read TK’s post about Gartman being still “bearish of stocks” as it seems to lend credibility to the bullish scenario.

The market, despite weakening corporate profits and several other headwinds, has decided it liked what it heard from the Inflator in Chief yesterday as it has scored the game Janet Yellen 2, Hawks in Drag 1 and US dollar 0. Is it a final score? I am not sure how our hawkish transvestites can be taken seriously now.

But with a market running on the black boxes of a million quants, large and small, who knows what will happen the next time some clown decides to eat a microphone and dispense dissonance into a situation that Yellen seems very clear on; as my late friend Jonathan Auerbach once famously said (it was famous to me anyway) as we prepared for the post-2008 inflation phase, “it’s inflation all the way baby!”
