Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Best of 2018 (Part 1 of 4)

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Preface to all parts: 2018 was an extraordinary year for the Slope of Hope, now entering its 14th year in business. There were over 2,000 posts in 2018 alone, and I have extracted for you those I consider the best 1% which were not already included in my compendium Silicon Valley Babble On. For those who want to support the site, I encourage you to open up a brokerage account at tastyworks or subscribe to a Slope membership.

Here are the posts for this portion, in chronological order:


Cyclical Assets vs. Gold

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In January of 2018 we noted a cyclical leader (Semiconductor Fab Equipment) in trouble: Semi Canary Still Chirping, But He’s Gonna Croak in 2018.

We also ran a series of articles featuring the happy-go-lucky 3 Amigos (of the macro) in order to gauge a point when larger herds of investors would become aware of cyclical issues facing the global (including the US) economy. Each Amigo (SPX/Gold Ratio, Long-term Treasury yields and a flattening Yield Curve) would ride with the good times but signal an end to those good times when reaching destination (Amigos 1 & 2 got home but #3, the Yield Curve is still out there). Here is the latest Amigos status update from October: SPX/Gold, 30yr Yields & Yield Curve.


Head Em’ Up! Move Em’ Out! Rawhide! (by PianoMan)

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Greetings everyone! There are several chartist websites, all EW’ers, that I visit to help me in my trading. They are not always in agreement but it does help me gauge where we are at, up or down and strength of move. Tim made a proposal that we could go up until Jan. 7th until the Trade talks. As I look at these different websites it is becoming apparent that the next move might be down. Why?
