Air Fare

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Greetings from the Centurion Lounge at the Las Vegas airport. I am en route on another adventure, so I wanted to put a post together to close out the day. This is a look at what I consider the most interesting ETFs right now. I’ve put some remarks in the caption of each.

slopechart EEM
Emerging markets had a bearish island reversal today (albeit a relatively minor one)
slopechart GDX
Gold miners are doing OK, but definitely aren’t in any kind of “break-out” yet
slopechart GDXJ
Likewise, junior miners are confined; I’ve drawn the symmetric triangle on this one to make the dilemma a bit more clean
slopechart GLD
Gold itself has been stronger than the miners, but this doesn’t yet a clear breakout yet either. I remain bullish on gold, so…….fingers crossed.
slopechart IWM
Small caps have been strong lately but are mashed up against the resistance of the long-term trendline
slopechart KBE
Bank stocks are weaker, having plainly broken their trendline and are hemmed in by the resistance line above
slopechart QQQ
NASDAQ has been unrelentingly strong since the October 3rd bottom, when Jerome Powell took intervention to “11”
slopechart TLT
Bonds are still bullishly configured; we need to break out above the high of January 31st to get equities seriously weak again
slopechart XLF
Similar to KBE, the financials represented by XLF are bound in by a resistance trendline and have been following a relatively clean channel for well over a year