Good Boi.

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Thank you, sweet baby Jesus. Let’s talk about the /ES, as I prepare this post about twenty minutes before the opening bell. Rolo provides the play-by-play:

It was kind of amusing walking him this morning as such a stupendously important event loomed. I don’t trade futures, so I give myself permission to be away from my keyboard during non-market hours. Anyway, as I walk strolling this giant canine through the neighborhood, it was 8:28, and I could feel my heart rate start to ramp up. I must have looked catatonic as my eyes were glued to the phone and I slowly ambled around with the dog.

Finally, 8:30 hit, and the /ES (which had spike to nearly +50) suddenly showed itself down 16. Then it sat there. And it sat. And it sat. And I was nervously wondering if this was another one of those weird glitches that often happen on days like this, when there’s one crazy, misleading trade, and yet the market blasts the opposite direction.

So I shifted my eyes a tiny bit to look at the bid/ask instead of the last trade, and glory be, it was plunging. As I saw it continue to drive lower, I figured, OK, well, this isn’t fake. And I said out loud to Rolo, “It’s going to be a good day,” which I think he had assumed it would be in any case.

As I wondered out loud in the last post – – – I wonder if crypto knew the score? I mean, it sounds stupid, I know, but how come BTC and ETH were getting hammered well before the CPI came out? The cool thing is, they are threatening an utter break at this point, and that would pour a tanker full of gasoline on this fire.

If today goes the way I think it’s going to go, it’s going to be extremely and pleasantly boring. I am absolutely delighted to anticipate that the only two things on my mind today will be:

  1. How to exact the most medieval vengeances possible on the yellow jackets that took over one of my hives;
  2. What on earth to do with the fact I am fostering the biggest, sweetest, smartest dog I’ve ever known in my life and am facing the prospect of returning him to the freakin’ pound. I can’t. I just can’t.

Oh, and as for Bear Force One – – I know some of you might still doubt it (and I bet you turds are atheists as well), but having delivered red days for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and it seems highly probable, today, I’d ask you to reconsider your theology and your life choices in general.