Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Memorial ETFs: Tech & Metal

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Preface to all ETF posts this weekend: This is not a normal holiday weekend. Supposedly, when we return to the trading world Tuesday, there will be some resolution (or more chaos) regarding the debt ceiling. In the meanwhile, I have gathered together different families of ETFs for review, and I have stated my remarks in the caption area below each.

I would also like to note that, as a special this holiday weekend, I am giving away my Joy of Charting book, which I will ship to you free of charge for signing up at ANY subscription level. Just drop me a line when you subscribe to tell me where to send it. As an added bonus, I’ll also provide a copy of my Solid State audiobook for your listening pleasure, free of charge!

That red resistance line has continued to do a rock-solid job of hemming in gold’s advance.


Memorial ETFs: The Core

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Preface to all ETF posts this weekend: This is not a normal holiday weekend. Supposedly, when we return to the trading world Tuesday, there will be some resolution (or more chaos) regarding the debt ceiling. In the meanwhile, I have gathered together different families of ETFs for review, and I have stated my remarks in the caption area below each.

I would also like to note that, as a special this holiday weekend, I am giving away my Joy of Charting book, which I will ship to you free of charge for signing up at ANY subscription level. Just drop me a line when you subscribe to tell me where to send it. As an added bonus, I’ll also provide a copy of my Solid State audiobook for your listening pleasure, free of charge!

The small caps have been grinding away for a full year in a relatively tight range. There is a head & shoulders pattern in the midst of all that grinding, but it has not broken its neckline.
