Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Nine Jives

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At the risk of being melodramatic, I am going to begin this post with a plea for decency. All right, “decency” might be a bit dramatic after all, but to come right to the point, I’d like to ask regular users of the site who aren’t yet members to seriously consider signing up for a Bronze account. Like……

I want to make this as tempting as possible, because I’m serious about this. Click here, and your membership is all of ninety-nine cents for the first month and, if you decide to stay with it, permanently discounted by 25% thereafter (14.95 instead of 19.95). It honestly isn’t about the money (well, maybe 1% of it is). It means a lot to me to bump the subscription numbers higher. And, in my sincere opinion, it’s the right thing to do.

Having spent over 18 years building up the Slope of Hope, I am very proud of it, but that pride prevents me from slathering the site with paid advertisements. Added to this, my respect for my readers is too great for me to sell their email addresses (which I’ve been offered to do countless times).

Thus, my livelihood depends on people who use the site regularly to step up and spend, at a minimum, a few cents a day to compensate me for my hard work 365 days a year. And keep in mind, this needn’t be done out of pity. The Bronze membership has dozens of excellent features.

I won’t browbeat you about it, but I’m asking you to do this from a place of respect and humility. Here’s that link again. Thank you.

And while I’m dishing out gratitude, I also want to thank all my current Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum members for making this place possible!

Now, on to the charts…………


Bank On It

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On the heels of bank earnings, the KBE went roaring higher today. Note how the small bullish pattern is complete. More important, however, look at the looming monster of a top that isn’t that far away from present price levels. How the battle between these very-differently-sized patterns plays out will dictate the rest of 2023 in the stock market.