Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Sunday in San Francisco

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It’s well known how far San Francisco has fallen in recent years. Although I live only half an hour from the place, I hardly ever go there. I don’t like cities in general, and I normally don’t have a reason to go. Today, however, I took a trek up there to look at lights. Yep, lights. You’d be surprised how rare big lighting stores are.

The nature of the city differs based on date and time. Being in the city on, let’s say, Saturday night at midnight would be fairly terrifying. I went at the most easygoing time of all: Sunday at noon. It doesn’t get any safer or calmer.

In the brief time I was driving through town:

  • I drove by at least 30 tents with people living inside;
  • I passed multiple ad hoc campsites set up on sidewalks and even on medians;
  • I saw countless homeless and drug users scattered along the sidewalks, including one fellow who appeared to be surrounded by hundreds of flecks of skin he had picked off his own body.

Not that long ago, San Francisco was literally the most popular tourist destination on Earth. It’s sad to see what its grotesquely corrupt and empty-headed civic leadership has wrought.


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OK, I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been doing this over 18 years. I can’t just let a day have two posts – – even a Sunday – – and turn my back. It’s one of my many, many neuroses.

So anyway, let’s just say that Ethereum ($ETH) has sputtered away from its bullish breakout, and a continued weakening of this purported asset would be positive for the 3 remaining asset bears on the entire planet. This would most particularly be true if the trio of exponential moving averages, shown below, began to execute a series of bearish crossovers (or crossunders, I guess).


Totally Bullish*

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I’ll admit it, right here and now. I just went through all the index charts, and almost every single one is bullish. And bullish in a kind of “it’ll just keep going up a couple of percent, week after week, until Something Big Changes” kind of way. It’s not exactly exhilarating for a fellow like me to see this, but there you have it. As I look at these eight charts, there isn’t a single bearish thing about any of them.


Survivorship Bias

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I stumbled upon a particular item I wanted to share, because I think it speaks to a phenomenon going on right now in this Stonks Only Go Up Version 2 we live in. It began with this post from five months ago, in which this person declared he was putting the entirety of his $150,000 account into Carvana (CVNA) calls. At the time, it seemed insane, because CVNA was a company that seem destined for nothing but bankruptcy.
