Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Trauma-Induced Paralysis (by Xerxes)

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I’ve mentioned this in earlier posts, but the first week of September was a tremendous source of frustration for me. False bounces, breakdowns, were fake-outs were everywhere while the market figured itself out. While most would have taken a backseat and watched the excitement unfold, I instead got chopped up. These are some old demons of mine which I thought I had crushed long ago but seemed to creep back into my trading. So after being traumatized by this, I finally sat on my hands.

At the same time, the past week is finally when the market decided on a direction. While I caught some of this move, it is nowhere near what it could have been had I been in a right mindset. Had I contained my emotions and followed my rules more strictly earlier in the month, I could have a) saved myself some money and stress and b) would have been in a much better place mentally to take advantage of the tremendous move the past week. I even made the comment going into Thursday’s morning session that I was hoping for 4330 to be tested that day (the SPX closed that day at 4330.01).
