Apple Home Run!

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Back on September 1st, which feels like about a decade ago, I did a premium post called Two Major Tech Gaps which highlighted INTC and AAPL as good bearish candidates. They both turned out great for my beloved paying subscribers, but AAPL in particular has been a sensation.

Here was the original idea. I want you to keep in mind how insane it was, on September 1st, to dare to offer up Apple, the biggest company on the planet, as a short-sale candidate. At the time, I was the only human on the planet stupid enough to suggest this, but that’s how I roll.

Let’s just say I nailed it perfectly. It was SPOT ON, and even conservative options are up about 300% already.

I am delighted to be able to create the potential for huge profits for the handful of people who actually elect to be paying members on my beloved Slope. Since I’m severely retarded, I dumped my puts at a loss on September 2nd, but mercifully, you get my charts, and not my idiotic trading errors. Good Lord, I’m so stupid!

Anyway, if you can get past what an idiot I am, you might seriously consider subscribing, since it might do you some good.