An Opportunity for Giving

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Anyone living with me for a long time probably would either (a) go nuts; or (b) decide to become professionally-qualified to help people who are going nuts. My beloved wife,. whom I have known since the dawn of time, is in the second category.

As such, in the final throes of earning her psychology PhD, she works at a local organization called CHAC(Community Health Awareness Ccouncil). CHAC had the good fortune to have a $3 million+ building gifted to them by a family that recognizes the good work they do for the mental health of the community, particularly young people, but they are trying to raise about $187,000 to make needed improvements to the building to make it ready to use.

If you’re looking for a worthwhile cause, I’d like to suggest you allocate some dollars to CHAC by going to this page. (Please type in the Purpose field something like “Building fund as mentioned on Slope of Hope“). Feel free to drop me a line if you’d like to mention you’re sending a donation, just so I know.

Information about their Campaign for Giving can be found here, and an article about their fund-raising efforts is here. (I am offering up all these links to make clear I am not scamming you in an attempt to secure your cash to buy myself a jet pack, nice as that would be).

Thank you.
