We We We, All The Way Home

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Ya know something, until WE is delisted and its husband/wife team are absolutely pilloried in public, we’re still living in FraudWorld. It sickens me to think that these charlatans got away with it, became billionaires in the process, and simultaneously are watching retail bagholders get wiped out. I mean, how many times can someone start a business, have a major television series made about what frauds they are, and still show up for interviews talking about their secrets to success?

WeWork is down double-digits again this morning, in percentage terms.

And speaking of very fishy companies (AKA founder led off in handcuffs) that remain inexplicably still graced with a working ticker symbol, here’s Nikola:

Down 92% from its peak, but still about $7 higher than it should be.

Although, to be candid, I can understand the appeal. I’ve always been kind of a “gums” man myself.