That Funny Feeling

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You would think that I’d be facing this day with a certain amount of dread. After all, the bulls are all high-fiving one another, and public has fallen head-over-heels over anything to do with AI (since the whole crypto thing didn’t work out), and the /NQ futures are up hundreds of points. And, of course, the Queen of it all, Nvidia, is tapping on $400 and an immediate lifetime high at the opening bell.

With this single stock, naturally, causing the NASDAQ to erase all its recent losses.

With all this going on, the taunting of bears on Twitter has reached epic proportions. Mercifully, I had no NVDA position, and I mentioned on my tastylive show yesterday this fact multiple times, including hand gestures to indicate “no touchy”. Just about the kindest remark you’re going to get is along these lines:

Lia, by the way, has about 50% more followers than I do, although I can’t imagine what the reasons might be.

In any case, I’ve got a funny feeling about today. Out of 19 positions, the only one which is going to get a crotch bat to the nuts is going to be SMH, which of course is rocking higher today thanks to NVDA (my only direct semiconductor position, QCOM is, God bless it, actually down nicely!)

But, hey, at least something is HAPPENING out there, which is a nice change from the “gee, let’s wait for the debt ceiling thing to get resolved” situation in which everything was frozen stuck. I’m actually pretty excited about the day ahead, in spite of the aforementioned crotch bat.