Sunday in San Francisco

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It’s well known how far San Francisco has fallen in recent years. Although I live only half an hour from the place, I hardly ever go there. I don’t like cities in general, and I normally don’t have a reason to go. Today, however, I took a trek up there to look at lights. Yep, lights. You’d be surprised how rare big lighting stores are.

The nature of the city differs based on date and time. Being in the city on, let’s say, Saturday night at midnight would be fairly terrifying. I went at the most easygoing time of all: Sunday at noon. It doesn’t get any safer or calmer.

In the brief time I was driving through town:

  • I drove by at least 30 tents with people living inside;
  • I passed multiple ad hoc campsites set up on sidewalks and even on medians;
  • I saw countless homeless and drug users scattered along the sidewalks, including one fellow who appeared to be surrounded by hundreds of flecks of skin he had picked off his own body.

Not that long ago, San Francisco was literally the most popular tourist destination on Earth. It’s sad to see what its grotesquely corrupt and empty-headed civic leadership has wrought.