Be Prepared

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I am having a chart party tonight, and I'm the only one invited. I am so mad at myself for not being better prepared. Don't misunderstand – today is going really well, but I am really out of touch with new trading opportunities, so it's time to set things straight. I need to get organized.

The market as it stands now is very, very sick. I'm going to take a chance and try to post a chart in my blog again:

What should have happened on January 6th is a breakout above that thick blue line, if the bulls were to have any a little bit of a chance. That completely failed. My long positions have been blowing up left and right (my IRA is down to a mere 15 positions, 2 of which are ultra-inverse); thank goodness I "tilted bearish" pretty heavily starting a week ago.

I don't have any more trips planned in the foreseeable future, so hopefully I'lly be back to my usual bloggy self. I'm waiting for a plane right now, and it may be another very late night post, but after tonight, no more excuses.