Dig My Grave

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I'm trying to pull myself together, because Anne Hathaway's freakishly large mouth and eyes are getting on my nerves. Some pervasive social icons bug me more than others.

A number of folks have asked me wondering where the Retracement Levels feature in TOS' ProphetCharts is. Folks, folks, I've tried to explain this before, but let me try again:

When a new version of ProphetCharts comes out, we roll it out to either Prophet.net or the Toolbox, or sometimes both. That's the beauty of web-based products. Instant delivery.

The TOS application has to "bundle" the .jar file so it isn't instantly available. Any given ProphetCharts usually gets rolled into whatever the "next" release of TOS is, which is typically a week or two after the web release.

So…………it's coming, it's coming!