Back in Black

By -

OK, this blog is getting too emotional. I need to drink more sake, I guess. Perhaps during the entire trading day.

Well, I've finished my merciless sweep of commenters, and I've banned…………….zero. I'm too committed to free speech to hack away wildly. If anyone is over-the-top, I'll nuke 'em. But, hell, even piggy said he didn't meant any harm, so he's alive and well.

The past five or six trading days have been, for the most part, horribly disorienting. It really takes the joy out of trading. But the market does what the market does, and we have to adapt. I've been buying TWM lately, trying to take advantage of what I think will be a dip in my old friend the Russell 2000 (which used to get mentioned as frequently as the /ES does now)

I think I am so shellshocked from the past week that almost nothing will freak me out tomorrow. 35-point one-hour tears on the /ES notwithstanding, I think I'm jaded enough at the moment to tolerate just about anything.

I enjoyed my 120-minute hiatus from comments. I'm back now. See you in the morning. I'll have my steel codpiece on.