Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

POTW: Combovers

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The Peeve Of The Week (POTW) is an occasional feature on Slope which allows me to (a) gripe about something which bugs me, whether justified or not (b) put up a post when there's nothing in particular I want to say about the market. In spite of its moniker, the POTW may or may not shown up weekly. In any event, here's a new entry:

I have a deep fondness for authenticity, and in a world increasingly saturated in fakeness, those things that are genuine are increasingly precious.

Much of the fakery in the modern world relates to physical appearance. Women have fake boobs, fake rears, and fake faces. Men have fake chests, fake foreheads, and – – all too often  - fake hair.

Perhaps I'm being insensitive, blessed as I am with a very full head of hair at whatever ripe old age I currently am. However, one thing worse than masking baldness with a rug is to take whatever surviving hairs you have and draping them over the top of your head in an effort to simulate follicular fullness. There are 45,000 people in Palo Alto, but there's this one chap I remember seeing many times, only because his massive combover is so obvious and sad.

If your hair is falling out, don't worry about it! It's no sin to be partly or wholly bald; just take a look at all the shaved heads in modern culture to see how sexy some people consider this look. But if you want to announce to the world that you desperately crave their approval, just do a combover. It works every time.


Simple Moving Averages

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Just one simple chart to ponder on this Saturday – ProphetCharts has the ability to hide price data so you can focus just on derived indicators. Below is a trio of simple moving averages – 50, 100, and 200 – over the past five years. I find the parallels between the "failed breakdown" (circled) in 2006/2010 and the beginnings of the real breakdown (rectangled in 2007 and right now) to be interesting.
