New Shorts Entered Today

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Well, that was a pretty interesting day on the market. I came in to the day with nothing but shorts (which, let’s face it, is typical) and augmented my holdings – – particularly with a large SPY short – – and enjoyed watching the day give up its gains. Today I thought I’d share some new positions I entered, using a red arrow to mark the points where my stop-loss has been set. I’m providing eight of these to all my readers, and another eight only to my beloved Slope+ subscribers. You can be one too, ya know – – after all, as a successful trader, it’s peanuts! So here are the freebies:

0924-AAPL 0924-ALL 0924-CMCSA 0924-COST 0924-DECK 0924-EQIX 0924-GFA 0924-HD