One Painful Squeeze

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It’s hard to feel sorry for a guy with a billion bucks, but Bill Ackman has suffered a pretty devastating humilation with the entire Herbalife debacle. About a year ago, HLF tagged $23.63. Now, only a year later, it’s up about 250%. This quote kind of sums it all up

On November 22, 2013, Ackman admitted on Bloomberg Television that Pershing Square’s open short position in Herbalife was “$400 million to $500 million” in the red, but that he wouldn’t be squeezed out and would hold the short “to the end of the earth.”

I respect bearish bravado, but good grief, that should come some point where one moves on. If he ever cries “Uncle” and bails, that’s probably going to be the perfect time to short it to death.
