Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Weak High

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I’ve had a few questions about whether I think that the uptrend from 1980.90 is over and on balance the answer is no. The reason why is on the charts below showing the patterns from that low on SPX, Dow, TRAN, NDX, RUT and NYA. Only two of those show decent patterns from that low and they are SPX and RUT. I could be mistaken but I’d be expecting most or all to show decent patterns at a strong high. If we see a break back down through the daily middle band at 2056 I’d look again.

Screen 3x SPX INDU TRAN 15min chart:

150220 Screen 3x SPX INDU TRAN 15min - Copy


Rocket Fuel’s Descent

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Below is the entire history of FUEL as a public company. You can see how well the shareholders have done. I glanced at the company description, and it read something like “Specialists in digital advertising that leverages big data.” So with three nauseating buzzwords in a row, I say: screw ’em. Oh, and by the way, this doesn’t reflect the after-hours bid/ask. Why is that, Tim? Because the 10-handle on the bid is so low, it’s not even visible on this chart.



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Thursday was, I confess, a disappointment. The reason is that the day started off so sensationally well: I was loaded to the teeth with energy-related stocks, including oil itself, and the overnight session had been brutal for oil, with the commodity being down about 5% at the opening bell. I’m cynical enough at this point that I went ahead and covered oil as well as a few of the stocks within minutes of the opening bell, but the recovery that took place in oil (which freakishly commenced when an oil inventory report came out showing just how bloated supplies were) completely took the wind out of my trading sails.



Gold: Value, Re-Propositioned

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Last weekend, in a segment titled Gold Obsession & Ephemeral States of Mind NFTRH 330 talked about a growing presence that seems to follow Martin Armstrong’s anti ‘gold promoters’ theme. This theme seems to be – coming as it does in a gold bear market – something of a promotion itself; just as the over-the-top inflationist gold bug stuff was during the bull market.

Please understand, dear followers of Marty, I am not at all calling him a promoter. He is the originator of ideas, thoughts and analysis that while not all my cup of tea, is interesting enough that it is linked at and But behind this mindset that is solidifying in the public consciousness, is a growing cadre of gold bugs – some of whom benefited from the notoriety lavished upon them by the likes of Mr. Gold, Jim Sinclair – that seems to be taking things over the top*, as always seems to happen with humans and in markets. Every mental elastic band seems to stretch too far.
