Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Golden Volcano

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Did you feel that?  The earth is rumbling.  I can feel it beneath my feet.  Over the past couple weeks, gold saw a significant breakout. 

After consolidating a base for the past six years, gold’s breakout has a measured move target of $1,683.  There is a large volume by price gap between here and there, so we could get there rapidly.

Looking at the long term twenty year chart, we can notice a couple takeaways.  First, the bull market in gold at the beginning of the century lasted from 2001-2011.  The bear market in gold lasted from 2011-2015.  I would suggest with this month’s breakout, we have begun a new bull market in gold that will run from 2016-?


Alligator Crossing Awaits U.S. Markets In Mid-2019

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The Dow 30 (YM)S&P 500 (ES)Nasdaq 100 (NQ) and Russell (RTY) E-mini Futures Indices are in danger of being swallowed into their respective moving average “Alligator” formations (where the moving averages are offset into the future), as shown on the following daily charts.

If price is engulfed within and falls below these formations, we’ll see high volatility and wild swings ensue, with a possible correction in equities.


Dien Bien Phu (by Binkius Hippo)

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There is an absolute shocked silence here in Taiwan. The Taiwanese have just seen an American president kow-tow to a Chinese emperor. Not since the Ming dynasty has China been able to dictate terms of trade to the USA.

If the US president is willing to sell out his own people to the Chinese communists, what hope does Taiwan have of the USA coming to defend democracy on the doorstep of communist China?

This is a pivotal moment in history. Pax Americana is over.
