Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.


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It all seems a little too contrived. On May 30, we got word that Mexico was going to get nailed with big tariffs unless they do something about the illegal aliens crossing our southern border. And then, just eight days later – – problem solved! Trump announces Mexico has made a deal, there will be no tariffs, and we can just dump aliens back across the border with Mexico’s pledge to “feed, house, and educate” them.

Wow, THAT was easy!

In any case, it’ll be more than a little interesting to see what the ES and NQ do on Sunday evening. It’ll be even more interesting to see what the actual markets do on Monday. Will markets explode higher on this suspiciously good news, or will they inexplicably slump? We’ll know soon enough.


The Seventh Seal

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We have a variety of new features to announce this weekend. One of them is a 7th SlopeLink, which gives Diamond members instant access to the Earnings Reaction chart for whatever symbol they are examining. It is the exclamation mark on the right. To help you, when you mouse over any of these icons in SlopeCharts, a tool tip is displayed so you know exactly what it does. I find myself using the Market Meter all the time these days, for instance.


SlopeCharts Shows Trades

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Ameritrade and ThinkOrSwim users – – great news!

We are continuing to plow forward with integrating brokerages with the Slope of Hope and SlopeCharts in particular. We made our first baby steps a couple of weeks ago with Ameritrade, and now we can do more.

As a reminder, clicking the dollar sign icon in the lower left corner of SlopeCharts invokes the brokerage dialog box. Once you’re logged in (using your normal ThinkOrSwim or Ameritrade credentials), you’re all set.
