Shorts in the Time of Cholera (Part 5 of 6)

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Preface to all six parts: For better or worse, I have 75 individual short positions, all of which I am sharing this weekend. I will have three posts of ten charts each for everyone, and three posts of fifteen charts each for Gold/Diamond members only. Some key points:

  • As always, click on a chart for a substantially larger version;
  • You can always navigate from chart to chart once you are looking at an enlarged chart by clicking the arrow keys flanking the chart;
  • I have zoomed in on what I consider the most germane part of the chart which will hopefully make plain why I am bearish on it.
slopechart NFG
slopechart NKE
slopechart NRG
slopechart NUE
slopechart OLLI
slopechart ON
slopechart PATK
slopechart PKG
slopechart POL
slopechart PTR