Meme via “Not Boring” by Packy McCormick.
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
This Isn’t Call of Duty
I watched the hearings most of the day. What a laugh. One interesting item was when /wsb’s hero of heroes, DFV, showed up and touted GameStop – – the gullible goofballs in reddit-land gobbled up the stock (again) and started high-fiving each other.
(more…)Olivia the Badass
As I’m sure is the case with most people here, I’m a lifelong Beatles fan, and I always had a particular fondness for George. You probably recall he was stabbed in his home in 1999. I never read the details of this crime, figuring that some maniac just sneaked in and started stabbing him in bed. This isn’t how it happened at all, though. In particular, George’s wife Olivia saved his life by beating the hell out of the attacker with a fire iron. Rock on, Olivia! Sadly, George still passed away a couple of years later at the young age of 58.
NEW! Introducing CryptoStream
As you can tell, Slope is back to its “crank out great new features nonstop” ways, and today I’ve got a doozy for you: just click here to see our new live, streaming CryptoStream page. It is free of charge to all Slopers, and clicking on any of the hyperlinked symbols will yield a new tab with a SlopeChart of that symbol. Pretty spiffy, yes?
Lawyer Jeff He Knows the Lowdown
Hopefully this will help explain my newfound fascination with playing the bass every day. He’s mighty bad to visit home……….and it’ll be a nice relief from the insane GME hearings going on right now.