Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Mole’s Third Crypto Video

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Preface from Tim: Hey, Slopers. As I’ve made clear, I’m working paw-in-hand with Molecool to introduce his jaw-dropping crypto product in the near future here on Slope, and he did his third webinar yesterday. An archive of it is below, as well as some other musings and updates from the Molester (Umm, seriously, that didn’t come out right………….maybe Mole-ster is better).

After some initial trepidations the Mole has turned himself into a mean lean crypto webinar producing machine. Which really cracks me up because I almost soiled myself the day of the first one and now I can’t wait for the ‘big one’ which is scheduled for the coming Wednesday at 3:00pm Eastern.

Yes, you heard that right – I had to make another change to the calendar as there simply is too much to do ahead of the big launch. Exhaustion levels are pushing in the red zone.

If you weren’t able to attend the Sunday show – boy, did you miss out. There was quite a rowdy crew that gathered and and we had a lot of fun. Plus everyone was eager to finally get their greedy mittens on some of the ‘now not so secret sauce’ that drives the crypto trading system which made me and Scott more than a million dollars starting from just $70,000.


In Need of a Flood

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Well, the Cathie Wood fan-boys sure have shut up in a big hurry. I guess a woman who has produced a 33% loss in three months in the most obscenely and shamelessly fraud of an equity market in history doesn’t have much to crow about anymore. I suspect vastly lower prices ahead, and Wood to finally recognize that all the glory and fame marked the high point of her entire professional and personal life. It’s all blood from here, lady.


The Next ______________

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In the world of financial stories, one of the most common themes is how such-and-so is going to be “the next” followed by fill in the blank. Often the blank is “Amazon” or “GameStop” or “Tesla.” This time, the two nouns involved are “copper” and “oil”:


I was intrigued by this, and judging from these charts, I’d say the idea of copper doubling from here is far-fetched. In fact, I’d say the very publication of such articles is more a sign of a top than the beginning of a new bull run:
