Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Cleanest Crypto in Town

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Only six months ago, Slope didn’t have one morsel of crypto stuff. Now, we’ve got three very cool things going:

  1. CryptoStream, which provides live, real-time, streaming quotes, beautifully displayed;
  2. Crypto charts in SlopeCharts, which are far cleaner (in data quality) and easier-to-use than anywhere else.
  3. There have been dozens of in-depth blog posts about crypto, which has become a favorite topic here.

My Gold and Platinum members also have access to my shared watch list of 109 of the largest and most important crypto coins out there, many of which I have carefully augmented with trendlines, horizontals, and arcs.

You may have noticed Molecool showing up with surprising frequency recently. He has been hard at work, with his partner in crime Convict Scott, on a new system that will be prominently featured here. I look forward to announcing it, as well as using it myself with my own (real) cash.

Suffice it to say that you crypto fans will find plenty of content and tools here, since, as I have said endlessly, I find the entire crypto scene to be the chart-friendliest environment I’ve seen in decades.


Horizontal Hoedown

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Beneath the surface of major equity indexes hitting lifetime highs day after day, there is rot. You don’t have to look very hard for it, either. I have gathered up some charts below to illustrate how some very well-known names have breached important levels of support, and having pretty much nothing but air holding them up above $0. I am just showing three to everyone, but the other ten for all paying members. Look out below!

slopechart SUMO


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At the moment, I am in Richmond, Virginia. It reminds me in many ways of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where I grew up. It’s the state capitol. It has a large black population. Most of the buildings are old. It rains. And they have some good food.

But they also have a breathtaking amount of shuttered storefronts. They are everywhere. And I’m in the nice part of town! I took this little video……….and every single block is like this:


About Last Night

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The punchline: Elon’s hosting gig on Saturday Night live wiped $50 billion off of Dogecoin’s market cap in a single session.

The setup: That’s going to take longer to explain.

For those of you visiting us from outer space, Saturday Night Live is a nearly 50 year old show which, at times, has been the hysterically funny touchstone of American culture, and at other times, has been a wretched bore. I’ve watched the show countless times, and know everything there is to know about its history, but I stopped watching it a very long time ago. Having seen last night’s episode, I feel no sting of regret.

Elon Musk, the zillionaire founder of Tesla and SpaceX, was the inexplicable host last night, and given his endless pumping of the Dogecoin currency, the general feeling among the bubble-headed millennials was that the smart move was to buy up as much Dogecoin as they could afford and – in their own endlessly-repeated words – ride the profits “to the moon” as DOGE exploded to God-knows-how-high a price.
