Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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PREMIUM: Crypto Vision

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I’m pleased to see Bitcoin down a couple thousand dollars this morning. It affirms what I’ve been saying recently, and I’ve yet to make a bad call on crypto (although, in real life, I ditched my long positions somewhat early on Monday, but that was all fear and nothing to do with charts).

I started this recent “streak” way back in November, declaring that Ethereum was a buy at around $450. I’ve been far more active with my musings about crypto in recent weeks, and now I’d like to go way, way, WAY out on a limb and suggest a whole series of moves that would create a roadway to my oft-declared target of $20,000.

So, I’ll take a deep breath and offer the following absolutely wild-assed guess. As usual, click it for a vastly larger version, depending on your screen size.
